Thursday, December 9, 2010

Of Mice and Men 4

The movie was very similar, but had it's different moments. The beginning, for example, showed what happened to them in Weed instead of explaining what happened later, in bits and pieces like the book did. Sure, it added some good description visually as to what happened preceding the actual story, but it felt too straightforward with such an important part. A couple scenes seemed a bit shorter, like the scene when Lennie enters Crook's room. A bit more happened in that scene in the book, it really showed how weak Crooks really was, despite how strong he act when, in the book, Curley's wife came in and took Crooks' power from him.

A really big part that I noticed was the scene after the the above-mentioned scene in the movie, when Curley's wife talks with George and Lennie. That scene in the movie really added something to her character. She was no longer just running around, flirting with boys, she was now a creature that had emotions. She spoke a lot about how Curley forbid her to talk with anyone and how she got lonely. Though, she did say that a lot in the book too, this time she acted more emotional about it and actually ended the scene with crying and running off to the distance. The scene really made you feel something for her when she got killed in the end of the story.

I would also like to point out that in the story none of the characters sucked at acting like they did in the movie.

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