Thursday, September 2, 2010

Who am I?

I am Nathan Lev Rozenberg, born in Minneapolis, Minnesota on August 2nd, 1996. I moved to San Diego, California when I was one year old. I was born and raised Jewish and spent years 4-13 studying Judaism and Hebrew so I could eventually have my Bar Mitzvah. I like the fact that I'm reformed Jewish because it just seems like a laid back religion, yet still active. I enjoy technology a great bit and think that without it the world wouldn't be nearly where it was. I started going to the high tech high schools when I was in 6th grade and I think that really changed how I grew up, because I never experienced what a normal middle school was like, so my educational experience has always been great.

1 comment:

  1. Nathan, It is nice to hear about your appreciation for music. Like you I agree that it is not just a form of entertainment but a uniter. I never knew that it takes so long to study for a Bar Mitzvah. Are you studying language? Text? I hope to learn more from you.
